Is it for me?
The main use of Bioresonance is for treating the effects of toxins in the body, which can include such conditions as fatigue, allergies, digestive disorders, insomnia, arthritis and much more. Smokers, drinkers and drug users are often particularly vulnerable. If you sense that your body is ‘out of tune’, why not arrange a consultation to see if Bioresonance could be a helpful path to take. The primary benefits of Bioresonance is the successful treating of misbalances within the body. All types of illness and disease are either rogue growths, or chemical intolerances within your body. We offer initial health check sessions at The NHC which can provide a full report of your body make-up and deficiencies. You can then make a choice whether to proceed with treatment. If you feel your body is 'out of tune', lacking energy, in pain or traditional treatments are riddled with side-effects and not working, then Bioresonance is something worth exploring.
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